Wednesday, September 5, 2012

sept 5 hw

Your homework is to do the self evaluation part A and part B on page 83 at the end of unit 7 in your text. To get credit for self evaluations you must:
Write out the questions by hand
Write out the answer in word phrase or sentence form (not A, B, C, or D)
write down the page number that the answer can be found on.
The answers are not only on the text or written part, but may be embedded in the diagrams and tables within the chapter.
You do not have to get 1oo % to get the highest grade, But you must get the ones that I select to check, which are the ones that are straight forward questions. Copies or electronic documents are not accepted, it is too easy to cheat in this format, and I am more concerned that you learn it. Writing it down also helps to encode it into the brain as a long term memory.
There is a quiz tomorrow, so study the order that the softwood cuttings are prepared on your classwork today.
I will attach any notes I can find in the resources in the sidebar.
Good luck

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