Wednesday, November 7, 2012

nov 7

The test was delayed and will now be given Thursday. Know the different types of pruning and the types of plants that they are done on.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nov 5 hw

Finish the fill in worksheet tonight, bring ipad for review tomorrow. Start studying for the test on Wednesday on pruning!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

nov 1

We are finishing up with pruning. You should study for a quiz tomorrow. We will go out sao dress appropriately.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

oct 23

Wednesday is the last day to present and still get a passing grade. I posted the pruning ppt. Take a look at it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Oct 17

I will not be in tomorrow or Friday. This assignment is for both days. Using the pages app, create a flyer that will tell the average person how to maintain their lawn. You can pick only one of the following topics: fertilizing, mowing, maintaining and testing for pH, insect control, watering. We will use the same rubric as we did for the essay, so make sure you have at least 3 major ideas and a couple of supporting facts. You may use your books as a resource, and when you are done please print it out and email a copy to me. Assume the reader does not know too much about lawns. Use pictures or diagrams to enhance the flyer.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

oct 11

Grub lab tomorrow, wear appropriate clothing. Prepare to get a little dirt on the shoes and hands.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ocr 2

Finish the soil lab worksheet. Make sure on the first page to change 5.5 the actual pH you got in class. The last page should have a response as if the soil sample you actually did was from that fictional yard in Watertown. Calculate the amount of lime, seed, fertilizer, and lime for that yard... and show your work. In a paragraph write how much of each you recommend and why it is important to use that amendment when establishing a lawn. The recommendations should be a paragraph long. These are written/lab products and therefore will make up 20% of your grade according to the student expectations. There will only be a handful of these types of assessments, so not doing them will result in a loss of 5-10 points for each one blown off. Don't forget to use the Area x rate formula. Chapter 37 self-eval is due Tuesday of next week after the holiday weekend. There will be no extension for that homework.

Friday, September 28, 2012

sept 28

The soil lab we will finish on Monday. There is a sheet on line to fill out for the soil lab. Unit 37 self evaluation is due on Tuesday. By 3 pm I will have graded all the work so far. If you do not see a grade for 7, 9, 11, 12, 35, 36 self evils, then they were not handed in.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

sept 27

Great job on the lawn establishment quiz! Tomorrow we will discuss sodding and sprigging and then how to maintain a lawn. Your homework is to read the chapter and do the self assessment for unit 36. We will be filling in a worksheet that you can use as a study reference.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

sept 26

If you are absent Thursday or anytime in the next week, notice the powerpoints available to you and other resources as well about lawns. Remember to do the self-evaluation for 35 tonight.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sept 25

Test one is over! Time to move on to lawns...establishing, maintaining and fixing lawns. Of all the knowledge you get in class, this is the information most adults and homeowners want to know. This is the perfect time of year to establish a lawn, late August and September. Start reading chapter 35 and do the self assessment 35 for Thursday. 36 and 37 will be due next week.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept 24

There is a test on propagation tomorrow. Make sure to go over th list of plants and know what kind of propagation is typically done on them. Daylily daffodol coleus Jade grapes blackberries. Apples Cox hosta peony Gladiolus tulip garlic potato sweet potato oranges Weeping cherry beans tomatoes Cactus Swedish ivy rhododendron dahlia crocus blue spruce Saracens snake plant know why we propane asexually instead of sexually. Chapters in the book are 7-10

Thursday, September 20, 2012

sept 20

Most people did not do well on the quiz today on the five modified plant parts and the five types of layering and examples of what plants they can be done on. I asked that you do it as a hw assignment and you can use it to replace the quiz grade. make sure to write out the question/layeringtype or modified plant part type and which plant it goes with, not just a letter.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sept 13

Welcome parents!

Today we started learning about propagation of perennials by division. We learned about the specialized structures associated with each type of plant such as, rhizomes, bulbs, corms, tubers and tuberous roots. These are plants that bloom for a short period, but live for many years.
examples we used were daylilies, German iris, peonies, and hosta. We learned reasons why you divide. Your student should have finished two homework assignments by now. I have not posted them as many are late.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept 12, 2012 hw

Today we demonstrated scooping and scoring of bulbs. You also potted up your succulent cuttings of Jade, Snake plant and cactus. You learned that you had to wait to do the succulents until they 'callous off'.
I did not get back hardly any unit 9 self evaluations and they are worth 20% of your grade. Have them in tomorrow!
Thursday we will learn about perennials and why we divide them. There is a propagation poserpoint in the student resources that has those notes in it.
Look over the notes to prepare for class.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept 10 hw

Time to read chapt 9 on separation and division. Also learn about scooping and scoring of bulbs. Thsi is a billion dollar business.
The division of perennials is something anyone could do as a business, or to make more plants for your garden.
Wednesday I will collect the chapter 9 self evaluation.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sept 7 hw

Monday is the last day I will accept chapter 7 hw.
Read chapter 8 on hardwood cuttings. I summarized it pretty well in class, but there are some pictures to go with it. We will fill out the class worksheet we started on Wednesday. It is in the student resources. We will have a quiz on tuesday: softwood, semi hardwood or hardwood...based on the statement you will choose which we are describing. We will practice it on Monday. There is no point in actually making hardwood cuttings in class because it is too early.

Next we will move on to chapter 9 and you will do the self-evaluation for Wednesday, so if you work you can get that done whenever you can before Wednesday. We will divide perennials in class.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

sept 5 hw

Your homework is to do the self evaluation part A and part B on page 83 at the end of unit 7 in your text. To get credit for self evaluations you must:
Write out the questions by hand
Write out the answer in word phrase or sentence form (not A, B, C, or D)
write down the page number that the answer can be found on.
The answers are not only on the text or written part, but may be embedded in the diagrams and tables within the chapter.
You do not have to get 1oo % to get the highest grade, But you must get the ones that I select to check, which are the ones that are straight forward questions. Copies or electronic documents are not accepted, it is too easy to cheat in this format, and I am more concerned that you learn it. Writing it down also helps to encode it into the brain as a long term memory.
There is a quiz tomorrow, so study the order that the softwood cuttings are prepared on your classwork today.
I will attach any notes I can find in the resources in the sidebar.
Good luck

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

sept 4 hw

Today we went over a list of objectives for the unit. Tomorrow we will make cuttings of a swedish ivy which is another softwood plant. Finish reading the chapter on softwood cuttings and make sure you know the steps to making softwood cuttings. Tomorrow I will show you how I want the self evaluation done at the end of the chapter. Also can you list reasons why sometimes we use seeds (sexual reproduction) to grow plants and why sometimes you use vegetative (asexual) reproduction to make more plants?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hi Horticulture students and parents

Below is the student expectations sheet. Please have your parent/guardians read it and send an email saying that together you have both read it. include the students name and that they are in B block Horticulture class.

Uxbridge High School
Science Department

Mr. Worden
Fall 2012

Contact Information:

We Are A Community of Caring

Uxbridge High School Mission Statement: Our mission at Uxbridge High School is to provide the resources and educational experiences to meet the diverse needs of all students, with the aim of encouraging responsible citizenship and life-long learning. In partnership with parents and community, Uxbridge High School fosters this development in a safe learning environment.

Student Learning Expectations:
1) Use a variety of learning and study strategies
2) Listen for understanding
3) Demonstrate effective oral communication
4) Read critically and for understanding
5) Write effectively
6) Demonstrate effective use of technology
7) Employ modes of artistic and creative expression
8) Demonstrate civic responsibility
9) Show respect for self, others, and the environment

Course description
In this course we will investigate these topics:
Plant anatomy
Plant growth and development
Plant nutrition
Soil science
Plant propagation
Nursery crop production
Turf and lawn establishment and maintenance
Plant identification

Student expectations

A variety of learning experiences will reinforce these basic concepts. Students will do laboratory activities, project-based tasks, written- work, oral and visual presentations, creative tasks and problem-based tasks. The student must bring a 3 ring binder notebook to class and take notes daily. The notebook will be graded every unit for completeness.
The course will include a practical hands-on approach to apply classroom knowledge: therefore, students are encouraged and expected to participate in all indoor and outdoor labs. Students are expected prepare to go out in any weather except steady rain. Participation is an important part of the class work: therefore, tardiness, absenteeism and refusal to participate in lab will affect the participation portion of the grade. Students must come in with a signed note if they can not participate in outdoor activities due to medical reasons. Students are responsible for all assignments, reading and homework on a daily basis.
Materials required to be brought to every class:

3 ring binder notebook, covered textbook, pen and pencil
Any handouts given during the unit
Appropriate clothing for outdoor participation

Grade assessment
Tests will comprise 50 % of the grade. Tests will be given approximately every 2 weeks. Some tests are group performance tests that demonstrate the application of learned skills (such as pruning).
Quizzes will comprise 10% of the grade, and there will be no make-up for quizzes (the two lowest quiz grades will be dropped).
Written: The best lab report and two essays each term will count for 20% of the grade.
10 section review write-ups will count for 20% of the grade.

General information and homework expectations

Homework will be given on a daily basis. Reading/studying should be done on a nightly basis to prepare for quizzes (2-3 per week) or participation in class discussion. Long term assignments are considered part of the nightly homework requirement.
If you are absent from school then it is your responsibility to see me to make up missed work. Students can expect to be given an extension to deadlines for only as many days they were absent, except long term assignments are always due on the day of return from absence, regardless of the number of days absent, unless written excuse is given by parent or guardian.
My most important rule is RESPECT: respect for yourself, others, and school property. Detentions are given for:
Disruptive behavior.
Refusal to participate without a note from parent, guardian, doctor or nurse.
Refusal to participate in outdoor activities due to lack of preparedness for weather conditions. Bring a change of clothes; be prepared to go out in windy, cold, hot, snowy or drizzly weather. Old sneakers and socks are preferred.
Walking away from the classroom setting inside or out of doors.
Swearing or inappropriate language, or violent behavior.
There will be no food or drink permitted in class.
Extra help : I am available every Wednesday after school for extra help; please feel free to take advantage of this.

If your parents would like to reach me, have them send me an email and I will be happy to get back to them.
Contact Information:
I’m looking forward to a great semester; we’ll be engaged with some really interesting projects. I wish you the best...Good Luck!!!
Mr. Worden

Important points for parents

The course will include a practical hands-on approach to apply classroom knowledge: therefore, students are encouraged and expected to participate in all indoor and outdoor labs. Students are expected prepare to go out in any weather except steady rain. Participation is an important part of the class work: therefore, tardiness, absenteeism and refusal to participate in lab will affect the participation portion of the grade. Students must come in with a signed note if they can not participate in outdoor activities due to medical reasons. Students are responsible for all assignments, reading and homework on a daily basis.

Materials required to be brought to every class:

3 ring binder notebook, covered textbook, pen and pencil
Any handouts given during the unit
Appropriate clothing for outdoor participation

Grade assessment
Tests will comprise 50 % of the grade. Tests will be given approximately every 2 weeks. Some tests are group performance tests that demonstrate the application of learned skills (such as pruning).
Quizzes will comprise 10% of the grade, and there will be no make-up for quizzes (the two lowest quiz grades will be dropped).
The best lab report and two essays each term will count for 20% of the grade.
10 section review write-ups will count for 20% of the grade.

Contact Information:
Email me to show both parent and student has read the student expectations for Horticulture class.