Tuesday, October 23, 2012

oct 23

Wednesday is the last day to present and still get a passing grade. I posted the pruning ppt. Take a look at it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Oct 17

I will not be in tomorrow or Friday. This assignment is for both days. Using the pages app, create a flyer that will tell the average person how to maintain their lawn. You can pick only one of the following topics: fertilizing, mowing, maintaining and testing for pH, insect control, watering. We will use the same rubric as we did for the essay, so make sure you have at least 3 major ideas and a couple of supporting facts. You may use your books as a resource, and when you are done please print it out and email a copy to me. Assume the reader does not know too much about lawns. Use pictures or diagrams to enhance the flyer.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

oct 11

Grub lab tomorrow, wear appropriate clothing. Prepare to get a little dirt on the shoes and hands.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ocr 2

Finish the soil lab worksheet. Make sure on the first page to change 5.5 the actual pH you got in class. The last page should have a response as if the soil sample you actually did was from that fictional yard in Watertown. Calculate the amount of lime, seed, fertilizer, and lime for that yard... and show your work. In a paragraph write how much of each you recommend and why it is important to use that amendment when establishing a lawn. The recommendations should be a paragraph long. These are written/lab products and therefore will make up 20% of your grade according to the student expectations. There will only be a handful of these types of assessments, so not doing them will result in a loss of 5-10 points for each one blown off. Don't forget to use the Area x rate formula. Chapter 37 self-eval is due Tuesday of next week after the holiday weekend. There will be no extension for that homework.